Sneak Peak – ColorVision Spyder

We have received lots of positive feedback about our LCD reviews.  To further better our benchmarks and analysis of new products, we recently received a Spyder and OptiCAL software from ColorVision.  Unfortunately, we received the calibrator only hours before this CML174 review was slated to post on the website.  We took a few preliminary tests and calibrations with the Spyder, and we are anticipating using it to more accurately test our monitors in the future!  Here is a quick look of some screenshots.

Hitachi CML174 calibration with PreCAL

Click to Enlarge
Click to Enlarge

Profiling with OptiCAL

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Click to Enlarge

Sample readout of the CML174 and Samsung 172T respectively (DVI connection)


Gaming on the CML174 - Response Time Final Thoughts
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