The Test

For full details on how we tested, please read AnandTech's case testing methodology.

The LAN-0334 evaluation sample from AMK featured a 4.75" side panel exhaust fan, a 3.25" exhaust fan at the top of the case ("the blow hole"), and a 3.25" intake fan at the front of the case.


Interestingly, the ambient case temperature of the LAN-0334 was actually quite a bit higher than that of the FK-320ATX from Fong Kai, our current champ, despite the massive amount of air the LAN-0334 moves. Case temperature was about 6 degrees F hotter than the FK-320ATX, while HDD and CPU temperatures were in line with it.

Average temperature numbers looked much like the maximum temperature numbers, but the average ambient case temperature is only slightly higher, 2 degrees F, than the FK-320ATX. Average CPU and HDD temperatures were once again in line with the FK-320ATX.

It should be noted that the massive side panel fan should insure that any heat from the video card will be removed rapidly.

Power Supply & Cooling Conclusion
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