Changing the color gamut to AdobeRGB instead of sRGB produces similar pre-calibration results. The grayscale is pushing red and this leads to dE2000 errors that are visible. A larger issue is the color gamut, as it is over-saturated at the points below 100% and has a serious tint shift in magenta. The color errors are very visible and it happens at all saturations for almost all colors.



200 cd/m^2
80 cd/m^2
White Level (cd/m^2) 199.8 199.5 80.6
Black Level (cd/m^2) 0.2655 0.263 0.2625
Contrast Ratio 752:1 759:1 307:1
Gamma (Average) 2.31 2.21 2.40
Color Temperature 6580K 6567K 6521K
Grayscale dE2000 2.68 0.63 0.67
Color Checker dE2000 4.13 1.07 N/A
Saturations dE2000 3.91 1.70 N/A

Post-calibration the grayscale and gamma are spot-on with no visible error to them. The gamut is much improved with the exception of green and cyan. The behavior here is very strange, as we can see the gamut is capable of hitting 100% saturations for them, but after calibration it does not. I’m willing to lay the blame for this on CalMAN and an issue with the calibration here. Since every point except for these 5 are virtually perfect, and the pre-calibration data shows those points should be possible, I imagine it’s a bug. Multiple attempts to calibrate gave the same results, so it isn’t something I can correct myself.


If we believe that is a bug, then post-calibration the Dell UP3214Q is almost perfect in AdobeRGB mode as well. It encompasses the entire gamut and has very accurate results. The results for 80 cd/m2 are identical to the ones for 200 cd/m2 but some of the data was lost and those charts are missing. The pre-calibration numbers are not great for the Dell UP3214Q in the grayscale, but the color gamut is good. It manages to use the full AdobeRGB gamut with its backlighting system unlike other UltraHD displays.

Note: Dell provides their Dell Calibration software with the UP3214Q. Using this and a meter like the XRite i1Pro you can save two modes with your own light output, gamma, and color space settings. Unfortunately I could never get it to work properly with the UP3214Q. The software would detect the i1Pro which is connected directly to the UP3214Q USB ports, but didn’t detect the UP3214Q itself. Updating the monitor firmware and the Dell Calibration software didn’t resolve this issue either. Talking to others with the display they had similar issues as well so hopefully Dell can resolve this as this software has worked well in the past.

sRGB Test Data Display Uniformity
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  • Kevin G - Tuesday, April 1, 2014 - link

    On the Windows site of things, what video card and driver was used? How AMD and nVidia handle MST support varies slightly so you might have better luck with one over the other.
  • Samus - Tuesday, April 1, 2014 - link

    Wow, $2800 can have a whole WALL of ZR2740w's for that price.
  • nathanddrews - Tuesday, April 1, 2014 - link

    ... or a wall of U28D590D for $699 each. 60Hz TN 4K. I'm glad to see the major players offer up affordable 60Hz 4K. Of course, I'd rather have 120Hz 4K DP1.3. Doesn't matter if you can't play games, it would be of tremendous value to me just for desktop operations.
  • Gunbuster - Tuesday, April 1, 2014 - link

    Or you could run 4 39" 4K's at 1080p 120hz in multi-monitor and still have 4k resolution and some change left over...

    Bad pricing is bad.
  • WithoutWeakness - Tuesday, April 1, 2014 - link

    If I'm correct in assuming you're talking about the 39" Seiko TV then I must inform you that those are not 120Hz screens in the same sense that a computer monitor is 120Hz. Those Seiko TV's only take an HDMI input which is currently limited to 4K@30Hz. They then interpolate frames between frames of source material to give the illusion of 120Hz. A 120Hz monitor takes in a 120Hz signal and displays it natively. There are currently no 4K 120Hz monitors on the market (there aren't even any 2560x1600 120Hz monitors I'm aware of).
  • nathanddrews - Tuesday, April 1, 2014 - link

    The 50" Seiki 4K TVs do native 120Hz 1080p over HDMI 1.4, but it seems to be a lottery as to whether it needs to be hacked or not. While this resolution is not officially supported, creating a custom EDID makes it possible. In addition, several people have been loading the 50" firmware on the 39", making native 120Hz 1080p possible there as well. So you can have your desktop and videos at 30Hz 4K (not ideal, but still razor sharp) while also gaming at 120Hz 1080p. Some are claiming 720p at native 240Hz... but I'd have to see that to believe it.
  • houkouonchi - Friday, April 4, 2014 - link

    All seiki 50 inch displays will natively display 1080p@120Hz. The 39 inch models all will to (with a firmware update). The 39 inch monitors with the firmware update do pixel doubling which means ideal scaling for gaming (almost identical to gaming on a big 1080p display with no scaling artifacts).

    Both the 50 inch (and 39 with the right firmware) will accept 720p@240Hz. It sitll only displays 120Hz but this does halve the input lag from around 9ms to 4.5 ms which is why for games where it really matters (only quakelive for me) I ran at 1280x720@240Hz.
  • marcosears - Thursday, October 9, 2014 - link

    It's nice, but it could be a lot better! /Marco from
  • dave_rosenthal - Tuesday, April 1, 2014 - link

    Actually, the 39" inch Seiko *does* accept 1080@120hz over hdmi (when flashed with the firmware from 50" Seiko) and output all individual 120 frames per second (it looks very smooth!). You're right that it's limited to 4k@30hz.
  • inighthawki - Tuesday, April 1, 2014 - link

    Enjoy your massive bezel and spanning content across monitors.

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