Kanie Hybrid Hedgehog

The Kanie "Hybrid Hedgehog" hasn't made it to the shelves of the retailers yet, but thanks to bacata.net we got a sample very early. The "Hybrid" is almost identical to the Hedgehog 294M, with the exception of one interesting detail: Every second row of pins isn't made of copper, but of aluminum. This makes the cooler lighter and possibly also a little cheaper.


In the picture above, you can't see what the "Hybrid" is all about, so here's a picture of the naked heatsink:

Hybrid fins

What a surface!


Kanie's previous models were sometimes criticized for their poor surface finish.
With the Hybrid Hedgehog, those days are over: The surface finish is simply perfect.

Installation and clip

Just like the Hedgehog 294M, the "Hybrid" comes with a great clip that takes advantage of all six cleats on the socket. Installation is easy.

Performance and noise, conclusion

When tested with the same fan, the "Hybrid Hedgehog" performed almost identical to the all-copper Hedgehog 294. We would have expected a little less cooling performance (since aluminum is used instead of copper for half of the fins), but apparently the better surface finish of the Hybrid Hedgehog makes up for that.

Note that we received the Hybrid sample a few weeks later than the Hedgehog 294M sample, so the interesting question is: Do only the Hybrid and the Wing feature the new & better surface finish, or has Kanie generally improved their production process, which would mean that more recently produced Hedgehog 294M also have a smoother surface? We were unable to find out - but this is a good question to ask your retailer before buying a Hedgehog. The difference is so obvious (compare the reflection of the coin on the Hybrid/Hedgehog 294M photos!) that it should be visible at first glance.

Anyways, just like the Hedgehog 294M, the Hybrid is just an average performer - it cools well, but better heatsinks are available now.

Kanie Hybrid Hedgehog
Fan: available with a variety of fans. Tested with Delta 60x25 7000rpm
Price: unknown
  • Relatively good performance
  • Perfect surface finish
  • Very loud when used with Delta fan
  • Both cheaper and more efficient coolers are available
Kanie Hedgehog 294M Taisol CGK760xx2
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