GPU review, done, Half Life 2 here I come

by Anand Lal Shimpi on 12/1/2004 9:58 AM EST
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  • mbonus - Wednesday, December 8, 2004 - link


    There are lots of great roads to drive in CT. You just have to live there long enough to know them. One of the roads in my home town was this old indian trail converted to a road. In some spots, you had to get up on the bank to let another car pass. But at night, it was a great thrill to hug the winding road until you saw lights coming. A great rush!

    I am now living in Florida, and let me assure you, I long for the roads up north. Everything here is straight runs or highway. Of course, with a family now, I am not as much of a risk taker.

    Be Well,

  • The_Necromancer - Saturday, December 4, 2004 - link

    i who am about to upgrade my crap pc was wondering if you could try more benchmarkings of older 9600 xt or 5900 ultra gpus or even the 6600 gt or non gt, try benchmarching computers that do not cost $3000 like a 3000 amd 64 939-pin 1 gig of ram 9600 xt brave ed., and a asus mobo, just for us cheap bums.
    thanks again by.
  • Appu - Friday, December 3, 2004 - link

    Hey Anand and team, great work again as usual on the GPU article.

    I've been noticing one thing in your past few articles. There are a lot more spelling and grammar errors nowadays. Earlier all articles were 100% perfect. It really stands out right now as there is, on an average, an error on almost every page. I know you guys have been having a rough time and really working overtime and slogging it out to give us all these great articles in time for holiday season shopping.... really appreciate that. But please do pay attention to these (very) minor glitches.

    Once again, excellent work, and AT remains my best source for hardware reviews. Thanks for all the insightful articles.
  • Fricardo - Thursday, December 2, 2004 - link

    (sry for the double post)

    ...benchmark would be incredibly useful. EQ2 is built on a very stressful DX9 engine. I (and many others) would like to know how it performs on current hardware. If you guys can find the time and get past the problem of it being an online game without a released benchmark, it would be quite informative.
  • Fricardo - Thursday, December 2, 2004 - link

    I really agree with #1. Having a good MMORPG
  • A - Thursday, December 2, 2004 - link

    I really don't see a reason to whine about graphs. They have been doing the graphs like that for quite some now and besides you, only a few other people are whining, if even that.
  • AtaStrumf - Thursday, December 2, 2004 - link

    While I commend your efforts to improve the presentation of benchmarking results (e.g. % tables) I believe there is still much more that could be done with some more thought put to it.

    You work very hard to get all those numbers, but then you just stuff them in some PLAIN tables (you used some colors a while back, why are they gone???) or even worse bar graphs. Just about every college teaches statistics, because it is very important that you interpret the data that you aquire in the correct manner. Its not the simplest of exams that I've passed and there's a good reason for it. It can get preety complicated! So I'm thinking why don't you use some of what, I'm sure you've learned at statistics lessons, to figure out what all those large sets of data REALLY say. % is a very good start but there's more. What is a significant difference and what is not, who is the winner of which category (DX8, DX9, new, old games, ...), who is the overall winner , etc. SUPPORTED BY NUMBERS!

    And please take a few minutes to think about how to better present the results. Those scaling graphs and their legends are hard to read, very hard! Put the legend somewhere more convenient, where I can find which color represents which GPU/CPU/... quicker, like on the right hand side, right next to where the lines end, pick colors that differ more and for crying out loud MAKE IT BIGGER.

    I really feel strongly about this, so If you want, I can try and do something for you to evaluate, just sent me some numbers to my e-mail (
  • Mike - Thursday, December 2, 2004 - link

    BTW, I like your reviews much ..
    Thx for your hard work.
  • Mike - Thursday, December 2, 2004 - link

    My usual comment to thoses who plans to do CPU scaling tests..

    can you do the benchmarks on "levels" of computer techs?

    Level 1
    P4 1.5 + Radeon 9x00
    P4 1.5 + Radeon X800 ..
    P4 1.5 + Nvidia 5x00
    P4 1.5 + Nvidia 6x00
    AMD XP 2000 + (same as above)

    Level 2
    P4 2.5 + Radeon 9x00
    P4 2.5 + Radeon X800 ..
    P4 2.5 + Nvidia 5x00
    P4 2.5 + Nvidia 6x00
    AMD XP 3000 + (same as above)

    Level 3
    P4 3.5 + Radeon 9x00
    P4 3.5 + Radeon X800 ..
    P4 3.5 + Nvidia 5x00
    P4 3.5 + Nvidia 6x00
    AMD A64 3000 + (same as above)


    The idea: having a system close to the one specified, what should I upgrade first.. CPU or GPU ?

    Also, don't forget to test DeathMatch.. I played yesterday and found that even if my system perform "well" in the single player levels, multiplayer deathmatches are impossible to play.. I suspect that it is more CPU bound than in the single player.
  • AEnigmaWI - Thursday, December 2, 2004 - link

    just one comment on this and other reveiws..

    First I have to say that I have never found any reviews to be better or more complete and objective than those posted on this site.

    My little comment is just... Do y'all always have to end the tag line for the reviews (on the main page) with a question such as, "Does x really perform better than y?" or "How does x really effect n?"

    I know its quibbling, but one could say something like "We will examine how x performs in comparision to y and discuss n." or "We intend to explore the effect x really has on n to see what all the hype is about." etc etc..

    Not really important, but it would add some variety for those of us who notice such things.

    Thanks again though--to all the staff of AT--for creating and maintaining a superb and exemplary hardware review and tech community site.
  • Locut0s - Thursday, December 2, 2004 - link

    crtfanboy: As a long time mamer I could like very much to see this too however there is a problem with this idea and that is that technically it would be illegal for them to actually run these benchmarks since you need the roms. While I have no problem with using these roms, I've got an insanely large collection of roms on my HD, I would hate to see AT get into any legal issues over something as silly as that. I agree though it would be a very interesting benchmark. Some of the newer games emulated by mame now require so much CPU power to emulate that no current or future CPU will be able to run them "realtime" for quite a while, read maybe 10 or more GHz before you start to see smooth frame rates.
  • crtfanboy - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 - link

    I agree with everything owen said, and would like to add this:
    for cpu tests, I'd like to see some mame benchmarks
    it supports some new games that wreak havoc on my system (granted, it's a p4 @1.7ghz with rambus), getting like 3fps when it should be getting 60

    also, I'd like to see stepmania with gigantic video clips for memory and cpu benchmarks... since it really lets you know how consistant something is
    (and uncompressed video capture for hard drive benchmarks, you know, like highest bitrate supported before frames are dropped and all that, at least some multi-tasking so you know how efficent that buffer is, or those seek times... it would be nice to know more about the overall feel of the system with said component)

    I guess I shouldn't tell you how to do your job, but here's what I'd like more of:

    1 multi-tasking (you know, like how well does halo run with bit torrent in the background)
    2 how well new hardware runs with old hardware (for us poor people who want to upgrade one thing at a time...)
    3 hd-video playing benchmarks... (1920x1080 in divx makes my computer cry)

    just some (worthless) thoughts, even if you disregard them I'll still read your articles
  • Owen - Wednesday, December 1, 2004 - link

    The GPU article is a thorough, interesting read, as usual. Thanks for that. One thought:

    It has been extremely interesting to me to follow the evolving differences between ATI and nVIDIA cards in individual games... a la the HL2 versus Doom3 numbers of late. And I realize that most of the "enthusiast" 3D-gaming market centers around either action- or strategy-oriented first person shooters, since those games tend to be ahead of the curve in terms of graphical requirements, but... other, rather different game also comes to mind these days: EverQuest 2. Less hyped than Doom 3 or Halo 2, no doubt, but the game still has a huge following, and it was intentionally designed to exceed the capabilities of current graphics hardware on its higher quality settings.

    While it is DirectX-based and extremely shader-heavy, Sony Online Entertainment (the producer) is also very much in bed with nVIDIA... so I think a lot of people would be extremely interested in seeing high-end ATI versus nVIDIA performance comparisons for the game. I, for one, would specifically buy my next card based on such a review. Just wish I could afford to do it on my own. :-)

    That having been said, I'm sure you are far more than busy enough as it is... so I hesitate even to suggest that you make the list longer. Only a thought!

    As always, thanks for the incisive hardware coverage.

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